Electronic – arduino – Why triac output goes higher than line 230-240 voltage in AC dimmer circuit

arduino unodimmer

I am using AC dimmer circuit using arduino. circuit is working normally but the only problem is about voltage. as the dimmer circuit varies dimming,the output voltage also increases and decrease. Line voltage is 240 volt and output voltage goes till 328 volt. Is this normal working of triac BT139 or I am doing something wrong?

the circuit is which I am using for dimmer on arduino

the dimmer circuit

Best Answer

Line voltage is 240 volt and output voltage goes till 328 volt. Is this normal working of triac BT139 or I am doing something wrong?

enter image description here

If the RMS voltage is (say) 1 volt then the peak voltage will be 1.4142 volts. If the RMS voltage is 230 volts then the peak voltage will be 1.4142 x 230 volts = 325 volts and the peak-to-peak voltage will be 650 volts.

Picture from here