Will This Photodiode Circuit Work with Arduino Uno?

arduinoarduino uno

I'm relatively new to electronics. I've seen a few circuits online, I just wanted to check that this schematic I drawn would work.

enter image description here

The purpose of the photodiode will hopefully be to read a modulated LED signal.
Is the choice of Op-Amp suitable to the job?

Best Answer

If this is true: -

DMX is likely 250kbit/s (courtesy of @rdtsc)

Then the op-amp is wholly unsuited for that data rate: -

enter image description here

250 kbits per second requires a bandwidth of 250 kHz in order to get any reasonable clarity for the bit edges and, given that the op-amp proposed has a unity gain bandwidth of 14 kHz, it is highly unlikely to be suitable.

Additionally, if the data rate is 250 kbits per second then the RC feedback network is also a showstopper as it has a 3 dB frequency of 1600 Hz.

However, if it comes to pass that the data rate is below 1.6 kbits per second then both op-amp and feedback network should be OK.