Electronic – Arduino(Nano) Low hertz communication (sound)


I'm thinking about having two arduino's(nano) communicating with eachother, but I'm not 100% sure how. So I was thinking about the ways that are possible:

  • Radio
  • Visible Light
  • Sound
  • Wi-Fi
  • 3G

And I believe that the best solution would be sound, low hertz like below the spectrum which animals / humans can hear.

Why do I believe that sound would be easiest?
Because it can bounce on walls and mostly anything to get to a reciever and because it's the easiest way and most likely cheapest way to do it.

The question is: where do I find / how do I make such a device that can send and read low hertz? I don't know what range I'm talking about, but atleast something that won't disturb animals or humans hehe.

I will listen to absolutely anything you've got to say because I've got nothing. So if you got a link / information about anything of what I'm asking for then I'm forever a follower and you shall be my jesus;)


Best Answer

A major problem with low-frequency sound is the size of the transducer you need to transmit it efficiently, and the bandwidth you can achieve, which will restrict the data rate. Low-cost wireless transceiver modules using the Nordic nRF24L01+ device are available ($4), with Arduino code, and will work much better.