Electronic – Are jumper wires just wires with insulation cut off on both ends


Is there a specific purpose for jumper wires like these where they have female pins at the ends? I'm assuming they are mainly useful when you want to chop a wire into something like a breadboard, but the wire is too thin or flimsy. If the wire is thick enough, I'm assuming a wire with the insulation cut off on both sides is equivalent, right? Seems like a common sense question, but I haven't really seen wires with female pins attached on both sides before.. 🙂

Best Answer

If you are connecting to actual female pins, it does help to have the right sized male pin crimped onto your jumper wires. But if you're just using them on a breadboard, bare wire ends are fine. Just make sure to cut the wire with diagonal cutters, not scissor-type cutters, so that you get a nice pointy end. The shearing action of scissor type cutters can sometimes roll the wire end enough to make it snag in the breadboard.