Electronic – AT+CSQ without Disconnecting PPP Connection in ARCH Linux

at commandsgprslinuxmodem

I have a Telit GL865 GSM/GPRS module which is connected to a SBC (running ARCH Linux.) via Serial Port. For GPRS connection, PPP connection as indicaten on this page.

I want to read Cell Tower Signal Strength by the following AT Command:

But I can not use AT commands (AT+CSQ?) if PPP connection is active. First I detach/release PPP connection. Than I can use AT commands. Reconnection to the GPRS tooks about 2-3 minutes. But I do not want to wait for this delay.

Is there any way to check Cell Signal Strength Level or running this AT command (AT+CSQ?) without closing/disconnecting the PPP Connection?

Best Answer

Try the following:

Suspend the PPP connection by sending the +++ escape sequence:

(wait one second) +++ (wait one second)

If the modem comes back with OK, you are back in command mode. If it comes back with NO CARRIER, then this method will not work as it has hung up.

Assuming it comes back with OK, you can now send your AT+CSQ command (or any others).

When done, use this to re-enter the PPP data state: