Audio Preamp – Designing a Circuit with


I'm new to electronics and discovered the simulator. I wanted to model this audio pre-amplifier circuit:

enter image description here

So I went into falstad and drew this:

My pre-amplifier circuit on falstad

The output voltage is showing a flat line at about 6V. I was hoping for an amplified signal. So I can't tell if there's something wrong with the circuit I was attempting to model of if I'm just not using falstad correctly?

Best Answer

Two things are going on here:

  • First, your input coupling capacitor is way too small for that frequency. Use at least 10 µF in order to prevent attenuation at 80 Hz.

  • Second, and this is peculiar to the simulator, you have no DC path to the output pin, which means that it "floats" up to 6V. You're trying to look at a 100 mV output signal (assuming you fix the first problem) superimposed on that 6V DC bias, and the simulator display simply doesn't have the resolution to show that. Add a 10k resistor from the output node to ground.

With these issues fixed, the simulator shows an output signal that's close to 100× the input signal.

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