Electronic – Average Inductor Voltage equals Zero


Okay I already read this post which answers the question mathematically

at the end of the top answer the poster said:

"Thus, the only way to keep current from going to infinity is the condition I(T)=0
So does this means that the indcutor does not have some property that it magically makes any periodic waveform have an average voltage of zero, but WE are setting that integral equal to ZERO and solving for that case?

So this thing about "average inductor voltage always equals 0" is more of a rule we must impose on it, rather than something it does on its own?

If i apply a voltage to an inductor for 50mS it will rise linearly and i remove the voltage for only 1ms it will return to the initial voltage? thats a periodic waveform if i keep doing it but seems to me it would rise for ever. Which makes me wonder how then is the average zero?

and same would apply to a capacitor?

This highlighted integral.
Basically , will it always equal zero because of some physical trait of the inductor that makes it always be in a steady state, or is this telling me that we must SET it equal to zero to operate in steady state?
enter image description here

Best Answer

So, that's a rule that applies to perfect inductors with the implied property that Bad Things happen if the current goes to infinity.

This is a pretty good model for the real world of power supply design, where long before you get to infinite current you get to enough current so that the magic smoke leaks out of something on your board (usually a chip, but sometimes the inductor or the board itself).

So it's only a condition imposed by the inductor in the sense that your circuit is damaged (or at least malfunctions badly) if you don't make sure it happens.