Electronic – Avoid inductive coupling on two near coils


I have two coils that are placed parallel from each other and separated by a mere 1.5cm, lets say A and B. The core of them is built using soft iron. Right now they are wired and built in the same way.

Is there any way that I can use to prevent the induction from coil A to coil B when coil A is being pulsed by a DC current? If I place a scope with a channel on each coil, coil B shows the same pulsing frequency than coil A but with a reduced voltage.

Is there any way that I can use to avoid this behavior? Or this is how it should be and by physics it can't be avoided?

Best Answer

Place the coils perpendicular to eachother or use a shielded inductors. If none of these options are possible you could make a shielding out of mu-metal. It provides a good shielding for low frequency magnetic fields.