Electronic – Band Pass Filter for musical note separation

band passfiltermultisim

I have a school project that i need to separate musical notes with filters at least i thought that i can do it with band pass filter, here are the results

These are the resistor and capacitor values that i calculated for note frequencies
enter image description here

These are first two band pass filters
enter image description here

And this is my problem these are Vout values and they are so close to each other. I want to connect a LED for to every output that will be on at max vout value, i need your suggestions what should i do about these values.
enter image description here

Best Answer

Those are technically second-order filters, but because they're band-pass, it's like a first-order high-pass combined with a first-order low-pass; your filter just doesn't roll off fast enough as you move past the "cutoff" frequencies.

A filter order like that might be ok for a crossover network, where you can accept a fair bit of energy past the cutoff frequency, or a hypothetical application where you wanted to separate a 100 Hz tone from a 10,000 Hz tone, but for tones as close to each other as 941 and 1,026 Hz, you need a much steeper rolloff, which is going to mean a higher order filter. Also keep in mind as you increase the order that filter coefficients producing steeper gain rolloffs for the same filter order (say, a Chebyshev as opposed to a Butterworth or Bessel) tend to have more ripple in the pass-band, which can also make separation of nearby tones worse.

As loudnoises has mentioned, high-order filter implementation is often done in software (via DSP) as it is often easier to implement the math for, say, a 12-th order filter than it is to deal with all the parts for a 12th order physical device.

If you just want to "try out" some other potential hardware designs anyway, Texas Instruments had a free tool to recommend values and show performance once values were selected, but it looks different than it did the last time I used it.

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