Electronic – Basic Circuit Analysis using Kirchhoff and Ohm’s Laws


enter image description hereSo I'm in an introductory circuit analysis class where all we have learned so far are Kirchhoff's and Ohm's Law. I am practicing how to solve these circuits, but for some reason I can't understand this example. I keep getting 3 Amps for \$i_5\$, but it says the answer is 2 A? I end up getting an equation like this:

$$3i_5 + 7i_5 – 2i_5 = 24$$

$$8i_5 = 24$$

$$i_5 = 3\ \mathrm{(V/Ohm)} = 3\ \mathrm{Amps}$$

Best Answer

It looks like you got confused by the polarity of \$v_1\$. You can define a voltage to be whatever polarity you want, but that's just a notation thing. The physical polarity of the voltage across the component doesn't change. In the case of a resistor, the current always flows from higher voltage to lower voltage. This means \$v_1\$ is negative! Here's how the math works:

$$-v_1 + v_5 + v_2 = 24\ \mathrm V$$ $$v_1 = -i_5 \cdot 2\ \Omega$$ $$v_5 = i_5 \cdot 7\ \Omega$$ $$v_2 = i_5 \cdot 3\ \Omega$$

Note that both \$v_1\$'s value and the \$v_1\$ term in the KVL equation are negative. This gives us:

$$-(-2i_5) + 7i_5 + 3i_5 = 24$$ $$12i_5 = 24$$

So the answer is:

$$i_5 = 2\ \mathrm A$$

With practice, handling this sort of backwards polarity will become easy.