Electronic – Best way of switching between different resistor/capacitor values in a layout


In my project I would like to switch between different resistors/capacitors on the fly, preferably without having to open the containing box around the PCB. Therefore, one idea was to use a jumper (connected via cables) which is placed on top of the box, which then can be used to set the currently active resistor/capacitor.
Are there other alternatives? I would prefer THT approaches, if possible.

The main aim of the circuit is to provide different R/C-constants for an OpAmp, operating at frequencies below 10 kHz. Switching between the different values should be as simple as possible, but still reliable, thus I prefer to avoid options mentioned like the alligator clips. Resistor values will be around 10k-10M, with voltages at +- 15V and currents < 1A. Cap values will be in the range of nF.

Best Answer

I am not so certain that there is a generic "best way" to choose between component selections. There may be a best way for your specific application and only you can determine what works for you. That said, there a multitude of ways that this can be done. Here are a few examples:

rotary switch

rotary switch

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dip switch

dip switch

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header with jumpers

header with jumpers

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alligator clips

alligator clips

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analog switch

analog switch

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decade capacitor

decade capacitor

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fahnestock clip

fahnestock clip

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mechanical relay

enter image description here

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