BJT Amplifier – Understanding Input Impedance


I just want to know what exactly input impedance is with respect to the diagram below. And the second thing is obvious, how do we calculate it.enter image description here

Best Answer

It's fairly simple (now that you've posted a schematic): -

enter image description here

  • Both 100 kΩ bias resistors are considered to be in parallel for input impedance because the 10 volt DC voltage is regarded as a short to AC signals
  • The emitter load is in parallel with the 5 kΩ emitter resistor and capacitors are regarded as shorts to AC when the circuit is operating mid-band AC.
  • The effect of the combined emitter resistance (5 kΩ||3 kΩ) is seen at the base as an impedance of 5 kΩ||3 kΩ multiplied by β. You probably know this but \$h_{FE}\$ = β.

So you have 50 kΩ in parallel with 187.5 kΩ = 39.5 kΩ. That's a fairly decent calculation for the AC input impedance mid-band. Trying to calculate it to any greater depth is missing a certain point about single transistor circuits - calculations are at best an approximation due to such large variations in β and its temperature dependency.

If you want to know what it is at low frequencies you need to take into account the capacitors shown in the circuit.

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