Electronic – BJT Circuit Analysis Problem


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I have attached the problem and the solution I have for the problem.

Is the solution ok ?

The current through 1kohm resistor will be 9.2mA?

And the remaining current 9.2mA-2.1mA=7.1mA will come from the base right ?

Isn't that too much of current as Ib>3Ic ?

Best Answer

The solution is correct. Once \$ V_{ce} \approx 0.2V\$, the transistor is pushed to the saturation region and a maximum current, \$ I_{csat} \$ will flow in the collector circuit. When it is in the saturation region, increase in \$ I_{B} \$ will have no effect on \$I_C \$ anymore. It will only push the transistor deeper into saturation. So \$ I_B \$ can be greater than \$ I_C\$ in such circuits.