Electronic – BLE and Bluetooth Classic Coexistence

bluetoothbluetooth low energyRF

we are designing a fairly compact PCB for a communications device. We are looking at using BLE as a link for voice to a separate microphone, and BT Classic to be paired with a smartphone. We are using pre-certified modules, and they will located on the PCB about 20mm away from each other (can extend this to 40mm if need be). Is there a risk of interference between the 2? We are transmitting audio in both cases so interference would be particularly noticeably. They both operate at 2.4GHz, but I understand they have different frequency hopping techniques, and hoping this will allow for coexistence.

Best Answer

They do not interfere with each other for most use cases. I've used them together in two different projects. I never had any issues.

Other people have pointed out that BLE might not be right for your application. I would definitely agree with them. With that aside though, for your more general question, yes you can definitely use them at the same time without worrying too much about interference.

When you use Classic and BLE at the same time, they complement each other. Typically, a product would use BLE for control. This results in the occasional transmission of small amounts of data. If a product integrated Classic as well, it would use Classic to transmit large amounts of data at a higher throughput. The device would see-saw back and forth between the two stacks. In that situation, they wouldn't interfere with each other. If you tried to transmit large amounts of data through both channels at the same time, that might result in poor performance for more reasons than just a shared frequency spectrum. They would also share the same antenna and processor.

Both stacks use some shared resources to keep the links alive, but Bluetooth doesn't require much to maintain connections by design.