Electronic – Bosch BNO055 gyroscope bias stability


What is the bias stability in degrees/hour of the gyroscope on the BNO055? The datasheet lists some specs of the gyro on page #14 but I cant find the bias there. There is an item called "output noise" that lists 0.1 degrees/s – is this the bias? I actually am looking for following two values (sample taken from Xsens MTi 1-series):

  • Gyroscope bias stability: 10 deg/hr
  • Gyroscope noise density: 0.01º/s/√Hz

Best Answer

I don't believe that there are any solid state gyros with this type of bias. I think you will need an electromechanical device. Consider that while sitting on the equator, a perfect gyro will report 15 degrees per hour from the earth spinning on its axis, so you are trying to sense rotation of this small magnitude. Such gyros so exist but may cost thousands of dollars depending on the size (larger gyros are easier to build at this sensitivity.) They are generally used in military aircraft, weapons or navigational applications.