Electronic – Buffer, amplify, filter, sample – In which order


I'm trying get an audio signal from a high impedance source (guitar or mic) to an ADC.

Some casual research suggested that I should filter my signal before amplifying it.

My current mental design is: Source -> Buffer (optional depending on impedance) -> Butterworth filter -> Boost -> ADC.

  1. Is this the "correct" way to design this circuit?

  2. Does it make sense to throw in an RC filter (or a second active filter), e.g. before the ADC?

Best Answer

1)Buffer(For take and save the signial from the guitar because it has an high IN impedance and lower OUT impedance, so the signal goes all on it)

2)Filter(For clean the signial)

3)Amplify(For amplify the signal)

4)Sample(For digitalize signals)