Electronic – Bug in Keil ARM compiler with interrupt handlers and C++


I have a problem with writing interrupt handlers in Keil ARM compiler for LPC1114. When I write program in C++ and specify –cpp compiler option all code from interrupt handlers disappears, it is replaced with infinite loop. I wrote simple program that illustrates my trouble.

#include "LPC11xx.h"           // LPC11xx definitions
#define SYSTICK_DELAY 120000   // for 10 ms systick @ 12MHz osc

void SysTick_Handler(void)

int main (void) 
  SystemInit();                   // from system_LPC11xx.c
  SysTick_Config(SYSTICK_DELAY);  // from core_cm0.h
  // Loop forever
  while (1) __NOP();

When trying to compile this code with –cpp compiler option I get infinite loop in disasm:

SysTick_Handler PROC
            EXPORT  SysTick_Handler           [WEAK]
            B       .

This is the place where __NOP() from above program must be. And it is there when I'm compiling code with –c99 compiler option or without additional options. Keil MDK version is 4.12. Can anyone tell me is there any solution or workaround ?

Best Answer

The "weak" reference just means that the routine will be replaced by a routine in your code of the same name. When using C this is simple, the names will always be identical but C++ name mangles the functions (for function overloading etc) so the compiled name will probably not match the default ISR name. You need to wrap the function (or at least a forward reference, I'm not sure of specifics I mostly work in C) in an extern "C" wrapper to force the compiler to not mangle the name.

extern "C" {
  void SysTick_Handler(void)
    // do whatever
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