Electronic – Building a synthesizer with no prior experience


I've got an extensive music background and have been infatuated with synthesizers since I was young. I had dreamed of going into an EE program to make my dream a reality, but I couldn't afford school (long story).

Basically, I'd like to build a 3 oscillator analog synthesizer, but I have zero experience building boards. I know basic signal flow and process and have a strong design sense, but I really lack the knowledge otherwise to get started.

I think starting simple with a 1 oscillator and building upwards would be an awesome learning experience, and I would love to get to the level that some of you are at and actually make a fully usable synthesizer.

My question is, for audio-oriented electronics, where can I get started for this full analog synthesizer? Am I reaching too far? What will I need to make this happen?

Best Answer

There is plenty of interesting info at the Music From Outer Space website. Including circuit schematics accompanied by detailed explanations of the designs. As well as a range of advice and links relevant to building synthesizers.

You'd be better off first gaining experience with some simpler audio electronics projects, and building up the skills and equipment that a major project like this would require. Then you'd be in a better position to evaluate how/whether to proceed further.

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