Electronic – Bulk capacitors/charge reservoir for large pulse current/current exceeding supply


Say I have a battery that can provide 150-200mA of current continuously, but I have a module which is active periodically, and requires a large pulse current as well as a continuous current that exceeds what the battery provides.

For argument's sake lets say the module is a GSM modem, with a pulse of 2A for 200us, and continuous current of 300mA for 5s.

  • What is the best way to utilise some sort of bulk capacitor or charge reservoir to power the module?

  • How might I do this without exceeding the battery's max output current to provide the charge?

Here's an example of a battery that illustrates the supply: http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/1445889.pdf

Best Answer

Q=CV and differentiating I = C dv/dt so, if the rate of change of output voltage (due to discharge) across the capacitor is limited to (say) 0.1 volts in 5 seconds then: -

300 mA x 5 / 0.1 = C or C = 15 farads.

A 15 farad capacitor charged to (say) 5 volts, will drop to 4.9 volts after 5 seconds of supplying 300 mA to a load.

If the battery can supply 200 mA of that current then the capacitor only needs to supply 100 mA and this makes the capacitor smaller in value.

I'm sure you can now do the math for the 2A/200us example.