Electronic – Calculating resistor divider ratio with load resistor value input and output voltage given


In the given circuit, the variable resistor R = 1MΩ is connected as shown to a load RL = 1MΩ. The
variable resistor is adjusted until the voltage V
across the load is 8 V when the input voltage Vin =
27 V. What is the position of the wiper arm in percentage?

This is the question. I have solve it and my answer is 42%, but the solution said 36%.

Schematic of load RL connected to the tap of a potentiometer R over a voltage source VIN

My Calculation
My equations

Best Answer

I approached it looking at the circuit as the following with \$R=1\:\textrm{M}\Omega\$:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The central node voltage of such a resistor arrangement is easy to memorize:

$$V_o=\frac{V_1\cdot R_2\cdot R_3 + V_2\cdot R_1\cdot R_3+V_3\cdot R_1\cdot R_2}{R_1\cdot R_2+R_1\cdot R_3+R_2\cdot R_3}$$

In this case, \$V_1=V_2=0\:\textrm{V}\$, so:

$$\begin{align*} V_O&=\frac{V_3\cdot D\cdot R\cdot R}{D\cdot R\cdot R+D\cdot R\cdot \left(1-D\right)\cdot R+R\cdot \left(1-D\right)\cdot R}\\\\ &=\frac{V_3\cdot D\cdot R^2}{\left(D+D\cdot \left(1-D\right)+\left(1-D\right)\right)\cdot R^2}\\\\ &=V_3\cdot\frac{D}{D+D-D^2+1-D}=V_3\cdot\frac{D}{-D^2+D+1} \end{align*}$$

Which is the same thing Andy came up with. Shuffling things around, you get a quadratic and a solution:

$$\begin{align*} -V_O\cdot D^2 + (V_O-V_3)\cdot D + V_O&=0, ~~~~~\textrm{where }a=-V_O, b= V_O-V_3, c=V_O\\ \\ \therefore D &= \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4 a c}}{2 a}\\\\ &=\frac{-\left(V_O-V_3\right)\pm\sqrt{\left(V_O-V_3\right)^2-4\cdot\left(-V_O\right)\cdot V_O}}{2\cdot\left(-V_O\right)} \\ \\ &=\frac{V_3-V_O\pm\sqrt{V_3^2-2\cdot V_O\cdot V_3+5\cdot V_O^2}}{-2\cdot V_O}\\ \\ &\approx -2.73996779, 0.364967794 \end{align*}$$

Clearly, the negative value isn't permitted here. So the answer is 36.5% (or rounding one digit further, 36%.)

Now you've got different ways of thinking about it. Pick one that sings in your mind better and go with it.