Electronic – Calculating transmittance LED


I am solving the following problem:

Consider a GaAs emitter. Calculate the transmittance for the interface GaAs/glass/air. Assume near
normal incidence. GaAs: n= 3.4; glass: n=1.5. Answer: 81.6%

My attempt:

I know that the reflectance and transmittance are given by:


Then I calculated for both interfaces GaAs/glass and glass/air


I don't know to relate both transmittances to obtain the global one.

Best Answer

You sure you use the correct equations? Because for normal incidence, it is: $$R={\left\lvert\frac{n_1-n_2}{n_1+n_2}\right\rvert\\}^2$$


Reference - Fresnel Equation for Reflectance

Based on above equations, for GaAs-Glass interface, you will get - $$R_1=0.15$$ $$T_1=0.85$$

For Glass-Air interface, you will get - $$R_2=0.04$$ $$T_2=0.96$$

So mathematically, the effective transmittance should be -

$$T_{eff}=T_1 \times T_2 = 0.816 = 81.6 \% $$

therefore effective reflectance should be - $$R_{eff}=1-T_{eff}=0.184=18.4\%$$

If you plug in the relationship between \$R\$ and \$T\$, you can derive relation for effective reflectance as well - $$R_{eff}=1-T_{eff}$$ $$R_{eff}=1-(T_1\times T_2)$$ $$R_{eff}=1-((1-R_1)\times (1-R_2))$$ $$\implies R_{eff}=R_1+R_2-R1.R2$$