Electronic – Calibrating a capacitive moisture sensor


I am doing a project which require to build a moisture sensor to measure wood chip moisture content. I built the the cylinder and put all the capacitor plate around it and I was able to measure the capacitance of the wood chip. However, I do not know how to convert capacitance that i got to the moisture content. I did a lot of research online but they do not talk briefly about it. Is there any specific equation or way to convert capacitance to moisture content?

Best Answer

There's not going to be an equation online for you to just plug in your values, as it's going to depend on your specific device, how you're measuring the capacitance, and probably even the wood you're using. Instead, you're going to need to calibrate it yourself, so you'd collect a bunch of points at known moisture values (ex. 0%, 10%, 20%, ...) and measure the capacitance for each. Assuming they form a smooth curve, you can then interpolate between capacitance/moisture values to get your reading