Electronic – Can a DC regulator reduce/step down DC voltage

7805power supplyvoltage-regulator

I have studied that regulators like 7805 are used to remove the ripples present in the DC power supplies. But while searching for information about 7805, I came across the circuit below. The circuit shows an LM7805 converting 9V supply to 5V. This is something like stepping down the voltage. can a DC regulator really step down a DC voltage (because I've studied only about their ripple removal function)?


Best Answer

Yes they can. They sort-of put themselves between the IN and OUT pins as a resistor. They watch the out pin. If the voltage is > 5V they make the resistor value higher, if the output voltage is < 5V they lower the resistor value. Thus they maintain the 5V at the output.

Like a real resistor, the difference between input and output voltage (multiplied by the current supplied by the OUT pin) is dissipated as heat. Hence such a linear regulator is not very power-efficient (a switched mode regulator is more complex, but much more power efficient).