Electronic – Can a pin be GPIO output and input at the same time


So I'm working with an AD5593R chip, which I don't expect anyone to have specific experience with, but I'm hoping there might be a general principle which I can apply.

Basically there's a control register that lets you set which of its 8 pins are GPIO output, and a separate register that lets you set which of its 8 pins are GPIO input. This confuses me slightly.

What if I set them all to 1 in both registers? Are they all output and input at the same time? Or does whatever I set most recently override the other?

I mean, what about the control register that dictates which are DAC pins? What if I try to make them all GPIO in, GPIO out, and DAC simultaneously?

How does this sort of thing usually work? The datasheet does not make it clear.

I mean, I'm not even sure what happens if I tell set all the bits to 0 in all those registers– then what mode are the pins left in?

Best Answer

Your question was already answered on the datasheet, page 25. "When a pin is configured as both a general-purpose input and output, the primary function is as an output pin. This configuration allows the status of the output pin to be determined by reading the GPIO read configuration register"