Electronic – CAN Bus – Is bit stuffing required at EOF and INT


In a CAN Bus, to ensure enough transitions to maintain synchronization, bit stuffing is used after five consecutive bits of the same polarity.

But we see that the End of Frame EOF (7 consecutive high bits) and the Intermission Int (3 consecutive high bits) make a total of 10 consecutive high bits( or also called recessive bits).

CAN Bus message frame

Clearly this is at the end of the message and looks like we don't need bit stuffing. But I want to know for sure that is bit stuffing used here or not.

If not, is there any possibility ever, that there could be a problem due to loss of synchronization.

Best Answer

Not stuffed. According to the CAN standard:

The remaining bit fields of the DATA FRAME or REMOTE FRAME (CRC DELIMITER, ACK FIELD, and END OF FRAME) are of fixed form and not stuffed.

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