Electronic – Can Op-Amp (LM358) works as an integrator without dual mode power supply

integratoroperational-amplifierpower supplywaveform

I am a noob with analog electronics, so pardon me for any mistakes.
I recently started with Op-Amp and currently working on a project whereI am using Op-Amp in integrator mode to convert square wave to triangle wave and then fro there again an integrator to convert that triangle wave to sine wave.

I tried the circuit with single power supply that is +5V and ground, but was not able to make to work. So is it mandatory to use a dual power supply like +5V and -5V for an Op-amp to work as integrator? Because all the circuits I referred to were using a dual mode power supply.

Additional details: The Op-Amp is LM358 and the square wave is from an arduino board +5V and 0V obviously. The duty cycle of the wave is fixed at 50% and the freq. is controllable from 100Hz to 100KHz. I tested the whole set-up with 1KHz freq using my DSO.

Best Answer

Can an Op-Amp work as an integrator without dual mode power supply?

Sure it can, the opamp doesn't care and also it doesn't know.

Here are two integrator circuits, on the left with a symmetrical supply. On the right using a single supply. Note how I created a 5 V "virtual ground" as a "working point" for the opamp.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Do note that only the left circuit can output positive and negative voltages.

The right circuit's output signal will always be positive.

But both are integrators.

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