Electronic – Can someone explain how this oscillator circuit works


I've started learning about transistors and I've created this circuit. The circuit works, I'm just trying to understand how exactly it's working.
enter image description here

From what I can understand, the absence of current flowing through the PNP transistor's base will result in current flow from emitter to collector through the PNP transistor. The small amount of current present at the NPN transistor's base after passing the resistor will cause the PNP transistor to switch to the off state and the current will flow from collector to emitter.

What I don't understand is why the capacitor is used, what happens to the current when it gets to the junction between the PNP transistor's collector/the end of the diode/the capacitor and how the oscillations occur. Is it from very fast switching between the PNP transistor's on/off state and the NPN transistor's on/off state?

Best Answer

From startup the capacitor will be discharged so current will flow through the resistor, capacitor and LED, charging the capacitor. When the cap voltage reaches the Vbe drop of the NPN it will start to switch on, also switching on the PNP and so current flows through the PNP and the LED. In this state the capacitor is discharged via the resistor and the PNP.

There might be a stable state where the capacitor is just at the Vbe of the NPN, but the combined gain of the two transistors will make this zone extremely narrow and the circuit’s propagation delay will mean that it always overshoots from one unstable state to the other.