Electronic – Can someone help me identify this circuit symbol please


I'm trying to fix something and there is a component on the schematic that I don't recognize. Is this symbol supposed to represent a jumper?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It is a link in the copper - not an actual component.

Also known as a "net-tie" (thanks @Spehro Pefhany)

It looks like it is from Cadence/Allegro.

The main value is that it allows nets of different names to be connected. Each of those names may have different attributes (eg trace width).

I used one today to force a trace to go to a specific place on a ground plane to avoid voltage drop affecting a sensitive analog measurement. Without this the source would have directly connected to the ground plane which could have had an additional voltage drop.

As noted by @le_top in the comments the "Place Near" attribute can be very useful in these situations.