Electronic – Can you connect in series 2 unequally charged batteries


So I have 4 batteries. 2 of them are charged (about 70%) and 2 about 10%. I have a flashlight (which uses 2 batteries in series) which I would like to power at small current and voltage because the light produced is too powerful. Would combining a charged battery and discharged battery be a good idea? If not, what can I do? I thought of placing a piece of iron where the discharged battery would be so it conducts the current from the first one. Would that work?
Note that they are single use batteries.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

This sounds like a bad idea. Besides the fact that it says not to do this on the battery package, here is the reason:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

As you can see, the batteries that are used have a lower cell voltage, but also a higher internal resistance. They aren't contributing much to the power delivery, and they will dissipate quite a lot in heat! This will eventually rupture the battery.

Your bypass might work if the circuit is capable of using a lower voltage, and the batteries you use are capable of delivering a higher current to compensate for the reduced voltage.