I've always used the internal oscillator in my AVR microcontroller projects, but have discovered that I need to use an external oscillator to increase the clock frequency. I have some of these 20MHz crystals in the spare parts bin, but I can't find a datasheet.
Searches for "MPC" and "970T" aren't providing any useful hits. I'm brand new to using crystals, and as such I am going to have a bit of work ahead to learn the ropes. Before I can get started I'd like to at least try using the ones I have on hand.
Do you recognize the logo or markings on this part, and if so can you point me in the right direction?
This is a 4-pin device which is why I believe it is a crystal oscillator rather than just a crystal.
Best Answer
Found it. MPC is Monitor Products Company, bought out by MMD Components (MMD Monitor/Quartztek Frequency Control Products) in 2002.
970T Datasheet Low-Cost, Full-Size TTL-compatible Clock Oscillator