Can Gerber Files Be Loaded Back into PCB Layout Designers Like Eagle?


There's a PCB I may need to change a solder pad, but the schematic and layout are gone and were not added to source control. Is it possible to load the Gerber files back into a designer to change the pads so that I don't have to try to draw out the entire schematic and layout again?

Best Answer

As of Eagle 7.5, this is indeed possible. It's a simple case of File->Import->Gerber from the layout editor. There is a video demo on YouTube.

As others have mentioned, there is no real DRC checking possible of the imported file as the Gerbers contain no information on nets and connectivity. Eagle simply imports all of the various shapes and lines onto the copper layer.

It does however allow you to make modifications manually (with great care) and then re-export as a Gerber again once you are done.