Electronic – Cannot change to front copper layer in KiCAD


I am learning to design PCB using KiCAD. I followed a tutorial on youtube. I got stuck at changing the layer of the PCB. From the video, the layers can be interchange by pressing page up (front copper) or page down (back copper). My filled zone layer is b.cu and net is GND. The B.Cu layer is just fine but when i change to F.Cu layer, it is still the same as before.

I have inserted a picture showing my issue. As you can see the selected layer is F.Cu but it is showing the back side. What have I done wrong and how can I change to front layer?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Personally, I do the copper pour after routing is done. But any way, you can untick B.Cu layer to hide the bottom layer. Also you can click on "Do not show filled areas in zone" on the left side toolbar(11th button from top), to hide the copper pour. Doing this is a must when routing on bottom layer, as you will not be able to see the tracks as lay them down and you will need to rebuild the copper pour every time after the wire is connected by pressing 'b'.

Another thing, in the tutorial, he is using openGL mode while routing, and from the screenshot its seems you are in default mode. To switch to openGL mode go to View>Switch to OpenGL or press 'F11' key.