Electronic – Can’t solve the math related to power factor improvement

circuit analysispower

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Image source – Fundamentals of Electric Circuit by Alexander & Sadiku, Practice problem 11.15.

I tried to solve the math in the following way.
S_{old}=140000\angle cos^{-1}(0.85) = 119000+j73749.576\\
S_{new}=140000\angle cos^{-1}(1.00) = 140000+j0.00 \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \\
So, Q_c = 73749.576 \\
And,\; C=\frac{Q_c}{2\pi f {V_{RMS}} ^2} = \frac{73749.576}{2\pi 60 (110) ^2} = 0.0161675\;F

Which is a wrong answer. Can anyone provide me the correct way?

Best Answer

They tell you it is 140 kVAR, so you need to determine capacitance that will provide 140 kVAR.

XC = 110^2/140,000

From that you can easily calculate C.

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