Electronic – capacitive sensing PCB overlay


reading some of the capacitive sensing IC datasheets around, they always recommend an isolation overlay over the sensor pad.

Like this:

enter image description here

I'm wondering, why not use the actual PCB as overlay?

like this (sorry for the bad photoshop):

enter image description here

Please note that I'm not just going to determine the "touched/untouched" state, but the actual amount of touched area (by measuring the actual capacitance).

I've done some experiment with MPR121 sensor and some copper tape on a blank PCB material, and it works pretty good, but I'd like to hear some opinions before I'm going to make some actual PCBs.

Would that be as good as using a proper overlay?

Update: I've read that FR4 (the PCB material) should provide almost the same isolation as acrylic and other plastics, so I think it could work

Best Answer

I've done this before, it's a pain to use it in a product. Do it once and never appear again on another product.

To answer your question, yes it can be done. Just that we don't show customers our PCB directly.


enter image description here