Electronic – Charging a Phone With a Lower Current-Rated Power Supply

chargerchargingcurrentpower supply

My friend's iphone charger exploded. She was charging an iPad with it.
Since the iPhone power supply has a current rating of 1A while the iPad charges with a 2A current, many are blaming her that she didn't use the iPad charger since the iPad drew more current than the rated of the supply thus causing it to overheat and explode.

As far as I know the current rating of the charger used is simply the maximum current that it can deliver to the device. If the device can draw 2A, fine but it doesn't mean it needs to draw 2A by force. If the charger can only supply 1A than it is going to charge the device with 1A which obviously takes slower for it to charge than if the charger could provide 2A.

What is the correct reasoning please?

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Best Answer

In general your thinking is correct. Usually charging with an underrated charger should not be a problem, but may result in slow or no charging of the device.

If her other charger was a cheap charger that was not short-circuit protected it could potentially have overheated, and thus, failed.