Electronic – Chips vs wafers vs transistors


Sorry to ask such a trivial question but I am a non-engineering student currently writing an essay on Moore's law and I can't seem to find how the items in my title relate. An in-depth description of each item would be greatly appreciated! Also if you could please breakdown technical terms, that would be very helpful. Thank you for helping me out.

Best Answer

  • WAFER A thin slice of silicon crystal. Typically ~1mm thick and 200-300mm in diameter. (The size of a medium to large pizza.) We put wafers through hundreds of processing steps to produce....
  • CHIPS or Integrated Circuits. A small rectangular section of the wafer that contains a complete circuit which is used to make computers, phones, etc. Each chip or IC contains thousands, millions or billions of....
  • TRANSISTORS which are the basic building-block of modern integrated circuits. Modern transistors are much smaller than a human hair and can only be seen under a strong microscope. This photo shows a wafer with hundreds of chips before being sliced apart. A few packaged ICs are sitting on top of the wafer.

enter image description here

When the wafer processing is completed. The individual chips are cut out of the wafer and individually packaged. Then these IC packages are soldered onto....

  • PCB or Printed Circuit Board is a thin piece of fiberglass with copper patterns etched on both sides. This photo shows a typical PC board (green) with the copper traces (wires) and several different kinds of electronic components (including integrated circuits) soldered onto the board

enter image description here

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5paWn7bFg4 PDF: http://download.intel.com/newsroom/kits/chipmaking/pdfs/Sand-to-Silicon_32nm-Version.pdf