Electronic – Choosing SRAM for PIC project


I'm trying to design a guitar pedal effect, a looper to be precise. My idea is to use the PIC24FJ128GC010 which has a 16 bit ADC, in order to have a good audio quality. Since my idea is to convert, register and then save the sound in an external SRAM module, I'm trying to find a SRAM module which can fit my project. I've made some calculus but I'm not sure that they are correct:
Since the bandwidth of the guitar frequencies goes approximately from 80Hz to 15KHz, the sampling frequency should be around 30KHz (Nyquist-Shannon theorem),
so if I have a 16 bit ADC for example for a minute of sampling I will have:
30'000 Hz *60 s = 1'800'000 samples/min * 16 bit = 28'800'000 bit/min = 3.6MB/min
Am I right? Am I missing something? I accept every suggestion, also about the choice of the SRAM. Thank you.

Best Answer

Why use PIC24+sram when the newish PIC32MZ DA series have 32MB of internal/stacked DDR? TI has some nice adc codecs that mesh well with i2s. While I understand trying to keep it under one roof, I think it is better to add an audio adc rather than sram. Typical micro adc's aren't really geared toward audio anyway.

I'd guess that by the time you find 4mb of sram you'll about be at the cost of the DA series, especially if you figure the extra pcb layout time and layer count.

The current errata does limit ddr to 0-70C, but 32MB is real nice, it opens up lots of possibilities.