Electronic – Circuit changing the color of an led with a button


I'm trying to make a circuit WITHOUT the use of any IC's or micro controllers. I'm basing it so far off of the circuit in the picture. Im planning on adding a flip flop circuit to it to make it the light stay on when you touch it.

The issue I'm having though is that this circuit would only light the led in one color. I have a 4 pin led and my end goal is to have the circuit able to switch between each color every time you touch the "button".

Ive been stumped on this for days. There has to be a way to wire this up manually so I don't have to use an IC or a micro controller right?
enter image description here

Best Answer

If you create the following circuit: enter image description here (Which came from here page 39)

...and then try to use your touch switch circuit so that it pauses the chaser, you can achieve what you want. Of course this means if you touch the button long enough, you can cycle multiple colours, but view it as a feature! ;)

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