Electronic – Circuit for turn on a led when load connected


I'm searching for a circuit that turn on a led when the load is connected on its output, let's say for example a 5v power supply. I've seen few circuits that used two resistor in series with the positive supply rail, in order to make a voltage divider and drive a npn transistor, but in this way there will be a noticeable voltage drop on the load. Are there other way of detect a load?

Best Answer

Use a high side current sense amplifier (usually best with an instrumentation amplifier) followed by a comparator and switch.

Here is the basic idea:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

By using a current sense amplifier, the resistor sensing the current can be small (less than an ohm).

Set Vtrip such that when the load current exceeds some threshold, the comparator turns on the transistor.