Electronic – Class A Output stage Negative Swing

bjtpower electronics

Good Day,

This is a lecture on Class A Output Amps by Upenn. Link here:

enter image description here

I can't understand how when Vi is negative, it causes VCE2 to turn on. Vi is only connected to Q1 right, so if it's in negative mode, Q1 should be off, and hence behave like an open circuit. How is it, that Vi is still able to have an effect on Vo while negative?

I can get the equation Vo > -Vcc + Vce2-sat, but how does the second equation where Vi > -Vcc + Vce2-sat + 0.7 come about. Vi is not even connected to Q2, and that part of the circuit should be open, how can we deduce this?

Best Answer

Q2 is acting as a constant current sink. In 'negative mode', part of that current comes from ground via the load, and the rest comes from +Vcc through Q1. Even when Vi is negative, Q1 will still have a positive Base-Emitter voltage because Q2 is pulling the output voltage down.

As the output voltage goes more negative, more current comes from the load and less from Q1, either until the load takes all the current (at VL = -I*RL) or until Q2 saturates and cannot pull any lower (at slightly above -Vcc).