Electronic – Closed loop system stability with Bode

bode plotclosed loopfrequency responsestability

Stability of the closed loop system (with -1 feedback) can be assessed via Bode plot gain/phase margin analysis of its open loop system.

How can one deduce stability of the closed loop system directly its Bode plot?

One approach would be to fit a transfer function to the Bode (Frequency Response) and examine the poles' location of the fitted transfer function. But I'm looking for a rather intuitive approach using directly the Bode (frequency Response) plot of the closed loop system.

BODE and PZMAP of an unstable TF fit to FR data

Best Answer

You can easily find the phase margin by simply solving for the open loop gain from the closed loop gain. If \$F(s)\$ is the closed loop transfer function, and \$G(s)\$ is the open loop, then:

$$ F(s)=\frac{G(s)}{1+G(s)}$$ so $$ G(s)=\frac{F(s)}{1-F(s)}$$

You can work out the closed loop gain that corresponds to the open loop unity gain with a particular phase margin.

enter image description here

and just look at the closed loop gain bode plot to see where your loop is. The one you posted seems to have a phase margin of about 70 degrees.

The bode plot is not the easiest way to do this, if you plotted the closed loop gain on a polar plot, then the table above would be a curve and you could just find the point of intersection.