Electronic – color standard for painted toroidal magnetic cores


Is there a color standard for painted toroidal magnetic cores ?

I noticed that yellow-white usually means a powdered iron core with a relative permeability of around 100 at frequencies below 10kHz.

What do the other colors mean ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Colours are not an industry standard for ferrites as these recipes are proprietary and there are many variations of different materials.

You might want to contact the supplier for specs and if none, continue with your trial and error methods. The most important aspect is often the power losses at certain temperature ranges in order to be thermally stable.

This major MAGNETICS company (by same name) simplifies their specs down to 4 different materials P,F,R,K

http://c1233384.r84.cf3.rackcdn.com/UK_MAG_ferrite_material_selection_guide_AN.pdf enter image description here

I do have several books of hundreds of different ferrite samples from TDK, if anyone is interested in paying for shipping them.