Electronic – Complex power using phasors derivation


I am trying to come up with a bit of a derivation for \$ P = \frac{1}{2}V_mI_m\cos(\theta) \$ and \$ Q = \frac{1}{2}V_mI_m\sin(\theta) \$, but using phasors (because I can visualise it better).

I know the following (mostly from another question that I asked):
\text{Let } v(t) = V_m\cos(\omega t) \text{ and } i(t) = I_m\cos(\omega t + \theta)\\
p(t) = v(t)i(t)\\
p(t) = V_m\cos(\omega t)I_m\cos(\omega t + \theta)\\
p(t) = \frac{V_mI_m}{2}(\cos(\theta) + \cos(2\omega t + \theta))
Then from the above it is easy to see that the average value is:
\bar{p}(t) = \frac{V_mI_m}{2}\cos(\theta)

Now this is not at all with phasors, I tried to get a similar thing going with phasors…

Here is my (failed) attempt.

If I assume I have some vector I for the current and some vector V for the voltage such that
\textbf{I} = I_m\angle \theta\\
\textbf{V} = V_m \angle 0 = V_m

Now from my understanding of Real Power, the real power is the component of the current, I, that goes in the direction of the voltage, multiplied by the voltage, V.

So the component of I that goes in the direction of V is
\textbf{I}_v = |\textbf{I}|\cos(\theta) \cdot \frac{\textbf{V}}{|\textbf{V}|}\\
\textbf{I}_v = |\textbf{I}|\cos(\theta)\angle 0

So now we have the component of I that goes in the direction of V.

Now I thought I'd just literally multiply that by V
\textbf{P} = \textbf{V}\textbf{I}_v\\
\textbf{P} = |V_m||I_m| \cos(\theta) \angle 0

Now bringing that back into the time domain
p(t) = \left(V_mI_m\cos(\theta)\right)cos(\omega t)

I'm pretty sure that this is just wrong… However, I can't work out where it doesn't make sense!

Best Answer

The error is in that you're using the amplitude instead of the RMS value:

$$P = V_{RMS} \cdot I_{RMS} \cdot cos(\theta) $$

but for sinusoidal signals, \$V_{RMS}=\dfrac{V_{M}}{\sqrt{2}}\$ and \$I_{RMS}=\dfrac{I_{M}}{\sqrt{2}}\$ so multiplying:

$$P = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} V_{M} \cdot I_{M} \cdot cos(\theta) = \frac{1}{2} V_{M} \cdot I_{M} \cdot cos(\theta) =\\ = \sqrt{\frac{1}{T} \int_T [p(t)]^2 \:\mathrm{d}t} $$