Electronic – component that will provide an elevated SMD pad


Is there a surface-mount component I can put on a pad, that simply has another pad on top that I can solder something on to?

Here is a side view showing pins above the pads that would need bent down to contact the pads:
End-mounted TO Can Side View

Here is a top view to show how the pins align with the pads:
End-mounted TO CAN Side View

We found that edge-mounting a TO-Can package to a PCB will really save a lot on manufacturing. However, it comes with fairly long through-hole pins that are taking up too much space. We could trim the pins, but then we cant bend them enough to reach the pads on our 0.062" PCB. We can't make the PCB thicker because we're also end-mounting a connector that constrains the PCB thickness.

Someone here had the idea of using high-resistance SMD resistors. That could work but it seems like you wouldn't get much soldering area on top.

Mechanical strength should not be an issue since the whole assembly will be overmolded and encased in plastic.

I looked through what seemed like hundreds of right-angle receptacles, etc. to do the job, but couldn't find anything.

It needs to raise it 1.5-2mm above the PCB surface.

Any suggestions or solutions would be appreciated!

Best Answer

it seems like you wouldn't get much soldering area on top

2 mm thick SMD resistors are quite large, there should be enough soldering area.

I don't get why you think of "high-resistance" parts though. In fact, you need 0 Ohm jumpers. Put 6 of them along the leads and you would have two points of solder contact for each lead. Also jumpers often have metallized ends larger than normal resistors in same package size.

You can even use SMD capacitors or inductors this way, whatever is cheaper and has suitable dimensions.

An added benefit is that you can find SMD parts with exact height for each lead and have them installed by the machine. Then manual labor step will be quick and easy.