Electronic – Confusion – ideal transformer on load

bookscurrentelectric-machinemagnetic fluxtransformer

When there is no load connected to the secondary, E is equal to U, and no current flows in an ideal transformer. Now if we connect a load on the secondary of a transformer, the primary will draw a current because E<U (temporarily), why when E gets equal to U the transformer will still be drawing a current "I1" from the mains, doesn't that violate the reason current started flowing in the first place?

I know that the secondary field must be counterbalanced at all times by the primary field, but I have a confusion about the fact that even though there is no potential difference because E=U there is still a current flowing.

Can anyone explain that? And please correct me if I am making any thinking errors.

image from text book

Image from: DC Machines and Transformers by K Murugesh Kumar

Best Answer

I have a confusion about the fact that even though there is no potential difference because E=U there is still a current flowing.

The induced voltage is in series with the inductance of the winding and, given that the induced voltage is exactly the same as the applied voltage, there is, in effect, zero volts across the primary inductance. Given that an inductor's inductive reactance is zero when 0 volts is applied to it, the current that flows is this: -

$$\color{red}{\boxed{\dfrac{0 \text{ volts}}{0 \text{ ohms}}}}$$

This is an indeterminate quantity and rightly so.

In other words, for an inductor, you cannot say that zero amps flows just because there is zero volts across it. Another example is the current in an inductor when the applied voltage is a sinewave: -

enter image description here

I've drawn purple circles on the above graph (taken from here). Those purple circles are placed to coincide with the applied voltage across the inductor equalling zero - what do you notice about the current? It's not zero of course.

Another example; take an inductor and applied (say) 1 volt to it then remove it from the supply and instantaneously short it out - does the current fall to zero or does it continue to flow. It's the latter of course and this serves to remind us that the current flowing in an inductor has little to do with the applied voltage currently present.

This however, is always true: -

$$\boxed{V = L\cdot\dfrac{di}{dt}}$$