Electronic – connect TTL gates directly to the address bus of a Z80 CPU


I need to know when the 14 MSB bits from the address bus of a z80 CPU are high. To do so my first idea is to use 4 74LS08 ICs (TTL AND gates) reading those lines but I don't know the maximum amount of current that can be drained from the CPU.

The 74LS08 has a maximum input current is of 0.1mA hence 1.4mA from the z80 but I cannot find the maximum z80 ratings on the zilog datasheet. The z80 datasheet mentions a TTL chip select decoder connected to the address bus but no mention of the IC ratings are given.

so, can I connect 14 TTL inputs to the z80 address bus without overloading the z80 outputs?

z80 datasheet
74LS08 datasheet

One TTL input per address line, not 14 TTL inputs per address line.

Best Answer

The Thomas Scherrer Z80-Family Official Support Page has a file called Z80 CPU DATASHEET (ZIP'ed PDF file) that contains some additional information on the DC characteristics of the Z80A. While it doesn't specifically mention a maximum that I can see at 250uA the minimum output high voltage is listed as 2.4V.

That should be a a good consertaive value as a few 74LS devices I checked listed 2V as the minimum input high voltage. Certainly if connecting 14 device inputs to a single output I think you'd need a buffer, however in this case when you have 14 different outputs going to 14 different inputs that won't be necessary.