Electronic – Connector type suggestions required for 12V supply

electricalengineeringpower supply

I made a power supply enclosure with a mains switch and now I need external DC connectors to be mounted in the slot shown.

I want to mount two female connectors onto a 3D printed panel, that will sit where the slot is (see pictures below) and which will connect to the 12V DC output of the power supply. I will then put male connectors onto two wires, so I can easily unplug the power supply from the machine. What is the best connector for this?

Please note I am not an electronics guy and primarily do mechanical engineering/design work so my knowledge on electronics is very limited at this point.

Thanks in advance!

power supply in case - closed
power supply in case - open

Best Answer

I would go for two things known as a binding post, but that also double as banana jacks. This sounds complicated, but they are actually quite common. This is the kind of connector you see often on benchtop power supplies.

You can clamp bare wires into the binding posts, or you can plug in cables with banana pins on the ends.

If you mount the two banana jacks the right distance apart, then you can use cables that have a double banana pin on the end, all as one molded part. Check the specs for such double pins to find the correct spacing between the banana jacks to allow the double-pin connector to work.