Electronic – Control voltage required to turn on the LED through an NPN



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

For this circuit, I am trying to figure out the value of \$V_1\$ DC which will turn on the LED, D1.
Since the forward voltage drop of the LED is 1.8V,

I_{R_3} = \frac{5-1.8}{220} = 14.5\ mA

To find the required \$V_1\$, I would use the gain of the transistor to find \$I_{b}\$, where \$I_b = I_c \beta_f\$. Then,

V_1 = R_1 I_b + 0.7\ V

(Am I right in ignoring \$R_2\$, since it is just connected to ground?)

The problem is that the gain of the transistor is not given. Is there another way to work out the value of \$V_1\$ required to turn on the LED, without using the gain of the transistor? Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

If gain \$\beta\$ is unknown, you should make a worst case assumption about it. As others have said, 10 is a good guess. You should also allow some margin (+20% is commonly used) for collector current in your calculations.

Usually the problem is formulated the other way round: which base resistor should I choose in order to make sure that the base current saturates a given transistor for a given input voltage, even in worst case (lowest \$\beta\$) conditions. You may want to do your calculations using this approach.

Also, beware of \$R_2\$. Usually, a much higher resistance is chosen in order to be able to make the assumption that all the the current through \$R_1\$ goes to the base. If \$\dfrac{V_{be}}{R_2}\$ is comparable to the base current, then you can't ignore the effect of R2.


To be more specific, the effect of R2 on V1 will be as follows:

$$ V_1=R_1I_{base}+\left(1+\frac{R_1}{R2}\right)0.7 $$

So, assuming \$\beta=10\$:

$$ V_1 = \frac{1\ k\Omega·14.5\ mA}{10} + 2·0.7 = 2.85\ V $$