AC Frequency Conversion – How to Convert 60V AC 50Hz to 60V AC 25Hz


The setup is a 240V 50Hz AC transformer outputting 60V 50Hz AC. Connect this power supply (with a push button) to an old telephone and it rings the bell on command, but unrealistically fast.

I need to take this 60V output and reduce the AC frequency to 25Hz so the phone sounds more realistic. As per what I've read about the signals for making phones ring (here in Australia anyway).

Any advice on what I can put inline between power supply and phone to achieve this?


Best Answer

Any advice on what I can put inline between power supply and phone to achieve this?

Convert to a DC voltage and use an audio amplifier and a sinewave oscillator circuit to produce the new frequency.

Similar story: I had to design a modern magneto phone that ran from a 6 volt battery. I needed to replace the equivalent of this part (the magneto generator): -

enter image description here

Picture from here

So I used a TO-220 power amp (can't remember which one because it was back in the 1990s) and fed it from a low pass filtered 25 Hz square wave oscillator. I then stepped up the output voltage using a smallish mains transformer to 70 volts RMS.

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