Electronic – Creating a bus port in custom made part in LogicWorks


I'm creating some parts in LogicWorks and instead of having individual pins for input and output I want to use a bus pin. I can't seem to figure out how to make the bus pins appear in the part builder. I created a breakout in the sub-circuit to symbolize a bus, but when I go to create the part and import the sub-circuit the bus port doesnt show up. Anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

I figured this one out. It turns out you have to create your own bus port inputs and outputs. It's fairly easy:

Open a new file for creating a device symbol. In Device Symbol Editor, Choose “Set to primitive type” in Options-> subcircuit/part type and then choose Port Connector. The symbol will then be of Type Port Connector. Create a number of pins for a bus by choosing Option->Add pins with, for example, INPUT[A0..A3] for a four-bit input bus that has signals A0 to A3. The signal names must match those that the bus is to be connected to. Therefore each bus port connector can only be used once to connect signals with same names. A bus internal pin can be either output or input or bi-directional. Set pins on a bus to be output pins if the pins are to be connected to inputs of a sub-circuit. Draw a bus symbol that can be any shape you want. Select a bus pin from the symbol palette and place it on the bus symbol. There are four bus pins, one for each side of the bus symbol. A screen capture on the right shows how a 4-bit input bus port can be created. Notice that the pin functions are designated as Output, although the bus port is an input bus port. Make sure the pin directions and the number of pins match the intended application. Save the port connector symbol to your own library.